The EMC Imprint was launched as a peer-reviewed publication by Patricia Fumerton, working with her colleague Andrew Griffin in the Early Modern Center at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
The EMC Imprint as a peer-reviewed press is not only an innovation in digital publication intended to exploit the multiple media of the web. It is also an innovation in funding such publication. The Imprint ensures rigorous peer-review, a press affiliated with an internationally recognized center for the study of early modern literature and culture, a sophisticated publication platform, and a co-ordinating editor to advise you in publishing your project. Whenever possible, we aid in the funding costs for additional web work or copy editing, but we expect those who seek to publish in the Imprint to obtain a subvention from their institution to help with additional costs.
The Imprint was first conceived by EMC colleague William B. Warner to provide an outlet for innovative, non-peer-reviewed publications, including essays, book reviews, and blogs, by EMC faculty, affiliated faculty, and graduate students. This remains one of its objectives (see “EMC Initiatives”).
Works published by the EMC Imprint are stored on regularly backed-up servers in the Department of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Please contact Andrew Griffin with technical inquiries:
University of California, Santa Barbara | Department of English | South Hall 2510 | Santa Barbara, CA | 93106
Design of web page by Alexei Taylor, at New York University, in consultation with Megan E. Palmer, at UCSB.